Aalto University’s Open Science Monitoring Results Running Along With Other Finnish Universities


Open science coordination arranged the first monitoring of open science and research activities and services in 2022. The aim of the monitoring is to support open science development work at organisations and to generate an overview of the openness level of Finnish science and research. In addition, the costs of scientific publishing for 2021 were collected.

All universities and universities of applied sciences and most of the research institutes participated in the monitoring questionnaire and information gathering on open science and research policies, services and results.

Aalto University did well in the areas of open scholarship, open data and infrastructure and open publishing, but our results were only satisfactory in the area of open education.

Our results are in line with the other universities. However, some universities got excellent points in all the areas of the open science monitoring.

The results of the open science monitoring has been published in the national research.fi portal where it’s possible to view the result from different viewpoints. The detailed monitoring results of Aalto University can be found at Aalto University’s page in the research.fi.

Furthermore, the total costs of scientific publishing for 2021 were collected. The total budget was 43.6 million € for the Finnish research community. The results are findable in Finnish only (16. 12.2022) in the resarch.fi portal but will be published in English later on.

The visualisations depict the national division of costs in

transformative agreements (49% of the total budget)
license and subscription fees (32%)
article processing charges APCs (10%) and
printed material (6%).
At Aalto, the share of transformative agreements amount to 66% of the total budget. The share of license and subscription fees in nearly 20%, APCs 13% and printed material 1%. In 2021, the costs of scientific publishing (not just open access publishing) was ca. 3.8 million €.