Ural Federal University Experts Discuss The Russian Diaspora In Argentina


The experts of the university told how the Russian community in Argentina was formed, what was the status of migrants and what was the state migration policy of Argentina. Aleksey Antoshin, Professor at the Department of Oriental Studies (Faculty of International Relations, UrFU), and Elizaveta Golousova, Associate Professor at the Department of Periodical Press and Online Media (Faculty of Journalism, UrFU), in collaboration with Marina Moseikina, Professor at the Department of Russian History (RUDN University), published a monograph on the history of Russian diaspora in Argentina, which dates back to the late 19th century, and its current state.

The book presents an analysis of the processes of economic and sociocultural adaptation of migrants, ways and forms of preserving their national identity, and characterizes the position of the Russian community in the conditions of global conflicts of the 20th century. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the current state of the Russian world in Argentina, its institutional structure, and its place in Argentine society.

“The monograph also pays considerable attention to the humanitarian ties between Russia and Argentina at the present stage, the presence of our country in the media space of one of the leading Latin American countries. The study is particularly significant because in the new geopolitical situation Russia is paying more and more attention to cooperation with Latin American countries”, explain the authors of the monograph.

Experts add that the topic of relations between Russia and foreign compatriots has long attracted the attention of the academic community, but for a long time the focus of attention has been on those Russian communities based in the key centers of the Russian abroad – Paris, New York, Prague, Italy, and Harbin in the 1920s and 1930s. At the same time, the question of the place that Russian communities occupy in host societies and their political and economic weight in the countries of residence has been poorly researched.

“Meanwhile, these aspects are fundamentally important because they enable Russian government structures responsible for interaction with foreign compatriots to carry out their activities more effectively. From this point of view, it is important to analyze the historical stages of the formation and current state of the Russian community in Argentina, the practices of interaction between the diaspora and the homeland”, explain the scientists.

According to experts, a qualified analysis of the situation in the Latin American region, identifying those social groups on which Russian diplomacy today can rely, is important because compatriots abroad can become one of these supports.