Ural Federal University Upgrades The Technology Of Studying Russian


At the end of December, the Ural Federal University organized an online forum “Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language” for Mongolian students and teachers. More than 250 people took part in the forum, which was held as part of the Creative Laboratories in Russian Language project.

“The forum was of great benefit to teachers of Russian from remote areas of Mongolia. This is a great merit of the lecturers from Ural Federal University, their classes were informative and, most importantly, easy to understand. I would like to note the demand for continued work with Mongolian researchers of the Russian language, which means that we need to implement more projects in this direction,” said Magsar Tseveeny, President of the Mongolian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature and UrFU Alumnus.

The forum discussed the use of new technologies in the study of Russian, which teachers can implement in the learning process, and students could use individually. There were also four discussion platforms: “Digitalization of teaching Russian as a foreign language”, “Gamification of teaching Russian as a foreign language”, “Problems of Russian language acquisition by foreign students”, “Communicative approach in teaching Russian as a foreign language”.

“The Creative Laboratories in Russian Language project has become another successful example of work with Mongolian teachers. I hope that the number of implemented projects will reach at least ten,” emphasizes Tatiana Rasskazova, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Educational Technologies at UrFU.