New Year Honours Recognises Alumni Of Queen Mary University Of London


Six experts in their chosen fields were awarded honours in recognition of their public service and significant achievements in the areas of public health, higher education, cancer research and drug discovery.

Professor Colin Bailey, President and Principal of Queen Mary University of London says: “Many congratulations to our alumni on their well-deserved honours. It is a pleasure to see their expertise, experience and commitment to public service acknowledged in this way.

“Queen Mary’s positive impact on society comes not only through our teaching and research, but also through the achievements of all our alumni, long after they graduate. Our University has thousands of alumni who are extremely successful in their careers and contributing to so many aspects of society.”

Professor David Crossman CBE – Studied Medicine MBBS, 1982 at St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College, one of Queen Mary’s constituent institutions. Professor Crossman has been Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of St Andrews since 2014. From 2017 to 2022, he was seconded to the post of Chief Scientist for Health with the Scottish Government for two days a week. His CBE is for services to Public Health in Scotland.

Dr Harren Jhoti OBE – Studied Biochemistry BSc in 1985. Dr Jhoti is President and Chief Executive Officer of Astex Pharmaceuticals UK, a Cambridge-based biotechnology company he co-founded to pioneer the development of fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD). His OBE is for services to Cancer Research and to Drug Discovery.
Dr Julie Leeming BEM – Studied Mathematics PhD in 1998. Dr Leeming has been the Director of Planning at St George’s, University of London since 2016. She is a former member of Queen Mary staff, working in the Planning Unit from 2004 to 2012, latterly as Deputy Head of Planning. Her BEM is awarded for services to Higher Education.

Professor Sir Peter Mathieson KB – Studied Medicine MBBS in 1983 at The London Hospital Medical College, one of Queen Mary’s constituent institutions. Professor Mathieson was appointed Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh in 2018. He has received his knighthood for services to Higher Education.

Syed Khaja Mohi Moinuddin MBE – Studied Chemistry BSc in1996. Syed is the Customs Cooperation Agreements Lead for HM Revenue and Customs. His MBE is for Public Service.

Charles Tracy OBE – Studied Information Technology MSc in 1986. Charles was the Head of Education at the Institute of Physics and is now the society’s Senior Advisor for Learning and Skills. His OBE is for services to Education.