UC: CEDETi UC and CIAPAT Chile launch website on inclusive maternity and paternity


The web platform with accessible digital material is already available to the public and the physical guides in Braille format will soon be available in different libraries for blind people.

Educational video clips, informative guides, content in Easy Reading and Braille, and stories from mothers and fathers with disabilities are some of the resources available on the website of the “Inclusive Maternity and Paternity” initiative . You can meet her directly here: maternityypaternidadinclusiva.cedeti.cl

The objective of the platform, which is hosted on an inclusive microsite, is to provide information and recommendations on maternity and paternity, in the stages of pregnancy, birth and upbringing of people with disabilities. The idea is to make visible the various issues that arise in this area, in addition to generating information and providing guidance and specific recommendations for the community.

In this regard, the coordinator of the initiative, Jimena Luna Benavides, comments “the research has allowed us to make visible the experiences that mothers and fathers with disabilities have regarding the processes of family planning, pregnancy, birth, parenting, among others, accounting for the gaps that still exist in terms of access to reproductive and social health. Together with the collaborating researchers, various recommendations have been raised to face the challenges that maternity or paternity entails for people with disabilities and we have developed various resources that will allow us to provide general information on reproductive health, so that more people enjoy the right of access to information. information in this area.

Along the same lines, the national director of the National Disability Service, Senadis, Daniel Concha Gamboa, highlighted that “one of the best ways to generate inclusion is through innovation and access to information, even more so when they are addressed topics of real interest to people, such as maternity and paternity from a rights and accessibility perspective. We are glad that this new digital platform is presented with accessible material for all people, and thus continue advancing in instances of inclusion that promote access to information and research, as it has been our purpose through the National Fund for Inclusive Projects, by encourage new areas of development and inclusion in the country” .

Among the resources available on the website: maternidadypaternidadinclusiva.cedeti.cl there are guides in accessible formats for screen readers, audiovisual capsules with narration and interpretation of Chilean Sign Language and subtitles, Easy Reading guides and guides printed in Braille. , which will be available at some organizations for the visually impaired. In addition, reports from people with disabilities about their experience exercising maternity and paternity are presented, along with reports from people who are not mothers or fathers.

It should be noted that this project was developed by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile , through the Center for the Development of Inclusion Technologies (CEDETi UC) , the Ibero-American Center for Personal Autonomy and Technological Support (CIAPAT Chile) and had the collaboration of the UC School of Medicine School of Nursing . In addition, the initiative was financed by the National Fund for Inclusive Projects (FONAPI) 2021 , of the National Disability Service of Chile (SENADIS) .