Texas A&M: Good Bull Fund Boosts Texas A&M Student-Led Activities


Texas A&M University’s Good Bull Fund, established through support from the Office of the President, has helped 74 Texas A&M student organizations with a total disbursement of $249,470 in the initial spring 2023 funding period.

“The Good Bull Fund was established to help offset expenses for student-led activities that benefit the campus and community,” said President M. Katherine Banks. “I’m pleased that, through this fund, we’re able to support our students while also meeting our university goals of providing a transformational education and connecting with our local community.”

The $1 million fund had an initial allocation pool starting at $250,000. Recognized student organizations or MSC committees can request up to $5,000 to be put toward covering some or all expenses associated with the planning and implementation of student-led activities at Texas A&M. Preference is given to activities that take place on campus and benefit the community, support or showcase the Texas A&M core values, positively impact students and the surrounding community, and are free to participants.

Funds can also be used for travel and professional development opportunities related to the sponsoring organization’s mission.

Texas A&M Women in Aviation is using Good Bull funds to sponsor two of their members’ attendance at the Women in Aviation International Conference in Long Beach, California.

“This conference is a life-changing, empowering experience in which attendees are able to meet, network and hear from women who have been trailblazers in the aviation/STEM industry,” said organization President Maria Hall ’23. “We are so excited for our selected members to participate in this opportunity for the first time.”

Aggie Muster Committee will direct its Good Bull funds toward an event that highlights community and brings together generations of Aggies, the Aggie Muster Camaraderie Barbecue. The annual event is a celebration of the 50th Reunion Class that welcomes them back to Aggieland to experience the camaraderie of Texas A&M with a day full of tradition.

“It unites former and current students to further the impact of the Aggie family and displays to them that the Aggie spirit is constant in its remarkable impact on all generations,” said Program and Finance Executive Macie McCollum ’24. “The money from the Good Bull Fund is allowing us to purchase more food for the barbecue, which will increase the number of former and current students who are able to share a meal together and further foster the camaraderie between generations of Aggies.”

A committee comprised of one staff member, one faculty member, two undergraduates and one graduate student reviews applications. Organizations with the highest scores for how closely their requests align with Good Bull Fund criteria are given priority.

The next round of funding is for activities occurring in August through December 2023.