Utrecht University awards microcredentials to participants Alfa4all


On Friday, January 27, Utrecht University handed out microcredentials for the first time. Over the past period, the applicability and value of microcredentials for education has been researched. This award is a festive milestone at this project.

The microcredential is awarded to participants of the course Lange lijnen in de literatuur at Alfa4all, a course taught by Professor of Early Modern Dutch Literature Els Stronks. The microcredential is being awarded to participants in this course. Alfa4all is a joint initiative of the Humanities/Literatures faculties of Dutch universities. It offers a solution for those who would like to do a first-grade teacher training program but lack subject-specific knowledge to do so.

Additional quality certification
A microcredential shows what knowledge, competence and experience the participant has gained. It thus adds an extra certication of quality to education. This is of value inside and outside the educational institution where the course was taken. Want to know more? Then watch the knowledge clip University of Utrecht – what is a microcredential.

National pilot
Microcredentials are a relatively new development that is receiving increasing attention both nationally and internationally. Together with other universities and universities of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, UU is investigating in a national pilot how microcredentials contribute to making education more flexible. The pilot has not yet been completed. It is currently under review to which other UU education courses for professionals will be assigned a microcredential.