Wageningen University & Research recognises winners of the Ideal Burger challenge


On 24 January, Spike, Isabelle and Lara from Insula College in Dordrecht became the winners of the Ideal Burger challenge of the Wageningen Youth Institute. WUR Master students Pien and Floor were very impressed with their Avó Bravó burger and their strong commercial video.

‘Ideal Burger’ course
The burgers were made after a course students Pien and Floor gave at the school a few weeks earlier. With kitchen machines and various ingredients, the student were taught how to make a hamburger without meat. in de weeks after, the students have experimented how to make the ideal burger and recorded the process and final product in a vlog that WUR students Pien and Floor have assessed. The Avó Bravó burger, made from avocado, was rated as the best burger.

According to the jury, making a burger from avocado is a smart choice because avocados contain a lot of fiber. “The method used in the course we gave is used but with its own twist and the final burger looks very good and holds its shape well”. “the students have thought about how to improve the taste and texture. The use of herbs is great”.

The vlog that Spike, Isabelle and Lara made is entertaining and catchy. It’s well edited and has a nice story. The video shows that eating less meat is better, which is seen as very positive by the jury.

We would like to thank all students for their efforts and who knows, maybe one day we will see the Avó Bravó burger in stores!