Leiden University Professor appointed to State Commission on the Rule of Law


Kutsal Yesilkagit, Professor at the Institute of Public Administration, has been appointed by Minister Bruins Slot of the Interior and Kingdom Relations as a member of the State Commission on the Rule of Law, which was established in November 2022.

The Rule of Law Commission will investigate the functioning of the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government. The Comission will look at the branches individually, but also at the relations between them. Key issues for the commission are protection of citizens against government decisions and effective legal protection of citizens.

The committee emerged from the ‘Ongekend Onrecht’ report on the ‘Toeslagenaffaire’. Following this report, the House of Representatives passed a motion asking the government to establish a state committee to look at the functioning of the rule of law.

Apart from Kutsal Yesilkagit, the State Commission consists of other researchers, lawyers and politicians.