University of Exeter academic elected Post Office Scandal compensation scheme advisory board


A University of Exeter expert has been appointed by Government ministers to provide advice about the compensation scheme for those affected by the Post Office scandal.

Professor Richard Moorhead is a member of the Independent Advisory Board of parliamentarians and academics set up to oversee the Group Litigation Order additional compensation scheme being created by the Department of Business and Trade.

The aim of the GLO scheme is to deliver fair compensation promptly to overcome problems with the original settlement given to hundreds of victims in the Post Office group litigation in 2019.

The other members of the Board are the Chair, Professor, Chris Hodges, Lord James Arbuthnot, and Kevan Jones MP.

The Board does not have a role in individual cases, but will monitor the overall progress of the scheme, ensuring that the process is working well and identifying any blockages.

The board gets regular reports on the progress and any outstanding policy or process issues. They are consulted on the scheme guidance and any subsequent changes to it; and monitoring the overall progress of the scheme.

Professor Moorhead has been leading a project with Professor Rebecca Helm, from the University of Exeter and Dr Karen Nokes, from UCL, on the Post Office Scandal. The team were recently awarded a three-year research contract by ESRC/UKRI to examine the ways in which professional pathologies have contributed to the Post Office Scandal.

Professor Moorhead said: “As an independent member of the board I see it as vital that the Government delivers on the need to provide prompt and, most importantly fair, compensation to the GLO group members.”