PolyU and MCMIA co-organise university-industry collaboration forum


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and The Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA) co-organised the “University-Industry Collaboration on Chinese Medicine Innovation Forum”, bringing together over a hundred academic and industry leaders from the Greater Bay Area (GBA) to share insights on how to promote the development of Chinese medicine (CM) under the latest national plan and policies.

Prof. Wing-tak WONG, Deputy President and Provost of PolyU, said, “The HKSAR Government has always been supporting the research and development of Chinese medicine. The additional funding added to the Chinese Medicine Development Fund in the 2023-24 Budget and the expected opening of the first Chinese medicine hospital in the year 2025 will promote CM as an increasingly integral part in Hong Kong’s healthcare system. Furthermore, the GBA’s development brings invaluable opportunities for the local CM industry. The Government, industry and academics shall work closely to seize these opportunities and develop a long-term plan for improving the ecosystem of the local industry.”

Mr Harry Kwok Chun YEUNG, Chairman of the MCMIA Foundation, shared insights on talent nurturing initiatives for Chinese medicine innovation, explaining how the industry renders support to outstanding talents who want to pursue research in CM. Mr Yeung emphasised that innovative CM research is vital for the industry’s development and he thanked the Vincent and Lily Woo Foundation for establishing a fellowship scheme to nurture young talents in the GBA.

The forum explored how stakeholders including governments and research institutions in Hong Kong, Macao, and Mainland China could deepen collaboration to promote CM development and grasp the research and business opportunities in the GBA. Topics discussed included university-industry collaboration on Chinese medicine development in the GBA, talent nurturing initiatives for Chinese medicine innovation, and universities’ initiatives in CM innovation. Moderated by Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences and Co-director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) of PolyU, the panel discussion presented long-term measures to drive CM innovation in Hong Kong from business, technology and policy perspectives. These recommendations will be submitted to the Government during the 2023 Policy Address public consultation. Other experts shared their insights on CM innovations at the forum and discussed how universities in the region can integrate the advantages of artificial intelligence and other advanced technology into CM research, and explored interdisciplinary collaboration among institutions in the field of CM.