Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards 2023 Announces Finalists


The finalists have been revealed for the Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards 2023, the annual celebration of business-academic partnerships, hosted by Interface.

Twenty-two nominees – including colleagues and projects from the University of Glasgow – have been shortlisted in the eighth Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards, sponsored by Salix Finance.

The showcase of impactful collaborations and individuals highlights the remarkable achievements which have the potential to create positive change in Scotland and beyond.

The finalists from the University of Glasgow, are:

Innovation of the Year – sponsored by HGF Ltd
The Robert Burns Ellisland Trust and the University of Glasgow for developing an interactive Robert Burns Minecraft digital gaming experience to highlight the life and great works of the National Bard and to explore innovative interactive ways of engaging with younger audiences.

Knowledge Exchange Champion
Professor Fiona Macpherson, University of Glasgow, renowned researcher in philosophy and Director of the Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience has championed the importance of virtual reality for education and has been leading developments in immersive technology to benefit students in Scotland and beyond.

Making a Social Difference – sponsored by CEIS
Public Health Scotland, Scottish Government and University of Glasgow, for research into the low COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the African, Caribbean, and Black communities culminating in a film now being used as an educational tool to engage and connect communities and public bodies to influence policy to reduce health inequalities in Scotland.

Multiparty Collaboration
The Industrial Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research in Digital Diagnostics (iCAIRD) comprising 40 partners from across industry, the NHS and the Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews and Aberdeen. With twin tracks in radiology and pathology, iCAIRD’s programme of work is establishing the infrastructure and environment required to support development, validation & deployment of AI technologies for use in healthcare

Powerful Partnership
The University of Glasgow and National Nuclear Laboratory for pioneering research in the field of Muography, using natural radiation produced in the upper atmosphere to shed unique light on the contents of shielded nuclear waste containers.