Speakers urge to safeguard women’s rights


ALIGARH  : To mark the international women’s day, the Department of Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University organized a commemorative programme to spread awareness about the rights of women and their realization.

Speaking on the occasion as chief guest, Prof Naima Khatoon (Principal, Women’s College) emphasized that to improve the condition of women, their representation in government bodies has to be increased. She also discussed ways to stop the plight of women and underlined that they are discriminated against in many ways and as a matter of convenience suited to their counterparts according to the situation. She stressed the need for sensitizing society regarding gender issues.

Prof. Rachna Kaushal spoke on “legal status of women in India” and discussed the evolution of international women’s day. She cited many cases of discrimination and violence against women, including the cases of dowry related atrocities, and stressed the need for introducing laws for safeguarding women’s rights. She discussed in detail about legal protection provided to women by the Indian constitution.

Dr. Shahbaz Ali Khan (Department of Hindi) spoke on “Stri-Smriti Aur Stri Chhavi ka Antar Sambandh: Kuch Vichar” and emphasized ways to empower women. He underlined the impact of culture on the stereotype image of women and urged them to fight against the patriarchal designs.

Earlier, welcoming the guests, Prof Iqbalur Rahman (Chairman of the department) said it is a day to remember, observe and realize the rights of women.