Farming Machinery distributed among progressive farmers at Tangdar



KUPWARA : The Agriculture department today organized a function at Mini Secretariat Tangdar to distribute different farming machinery among the beneficiaries.

The function was presided over by SDM Karnah, Dr. Gulzar Ahmad Rather. Sub Divisional Agriculture officer and AEO Tangdar were present at the occasion.

On the occasion, 3 power weeders, 2 power tillers and 1 tractor were handed over to the progressive farmer beneficiaries from Karnah sub division by the SDM.

It was informed that during the current financial year 2022-23, as many as 16 power weeders, 3 power tillers and 4 tractors were distributed among various farmers of Karnah sub division. The machinery was distributed under CAPEX and Centrally Sponsored Schemes and the subsidy amounting to Rs.13.95 lakh have been released in favour of the beneficiaries through DBT mode.

Meanwhile, the SDM appreciated the officers for distributing the machinery among the farmers and urged them to ensure such benefits reach to all areas of the border and far flung Karnah sub division.