King’s College London experts in Libya for cultural heritage project


In January 2023, a team from Kings College London’s department of Classics travelled to Libya as part of the MaLiCH Project, which is aimed at preserving and managing Libya’s cultural heritage. This initiative was made possible through the generous funding of the ALIPH Foundation which allowed Dr. Will Wootton, Dr. Hiba Alkhalaf, and Dr. Hafed Walda to progress the Managing Libyan Cultural Heritage Project (MaLiCH).

Along with a busy itinerary that included site visits and meetings with Kings’ partners from the Department of Antiquates (DoA) and The Ghadames City Promotion and Development Authority (GCPDA) in Tripoli, the team were also given the pleasure of staying at the historic Red Castle of Tripoli. The iconic structure which stands as one of the waterfront’s landmarks, bordering Martyrs’ Square and the Old City has been the home of the Red Castle Museum and the Libyan Department of Archaeology for over a century. While at the Castle, the team held several productive meetings with colleagues from the DoA, including Dr Mohamed Faraj, the Director, and DoA head offices in Sabratha and Lepcis Magna.

After enduring years of the global pandemic and travel restrictions, face-to-face meetings presented a unique opportunity for the project’s collaborators to deliberate on the critical challenges confronting the management of heritage sites, including the climate crisis and the direct and indirect impacts of conflict, as well as potential approaches to tackle these issues.
– Dr Hiba Alkhalaf, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Whilst staying there, the team were also invited by the British Embassy in Tripoli to present the MaLiCh project which is aimed at preserving and managing Libya’s cultural heritage.

We were honoured to be invited by the British Embassy in Tripoli, along with our colleagues from the British Council, to present the MaLiCH Project and explore potential opportunities for collaboration and support. We appreciate the gracious hospitality extended to us by Ambassador Caroline Hurndall and her team.
– Dr Hiba Alkhalaf, Postdoctoral Research Associate
The King’s research team were also able to visit the World Heritage Site of Lepcis Magna, accompanied by colleagues from the DoA . On their route, they enjoyed several noteworthy stops including Septimius Severus Arch, the Hunting Baths, the Amphitheatre before concluding at the Hadrianic Baths,

During our site visit, we were able to conduct a rapid assessment of the condition of Libya’s cultural heritage, and in collaboration with our local partners and colleagues, explore innovative approaches to its conservation and management more effectively.
– Dr Hiba Alkhalaf, Postdoctoral Research Associate
The interaction between the King’s team and colleagues from various departments in Libya, has set the stage for the next phase of the MaLiCH project.