Monash University gets $4.5 million in ARC Mid-Career Industry Fellowships

Five Monash researchers have been awarded more than $4.5 million in Australian Research Council (ARC) Mid-Career Industry Fellowships, topping Australian universities with the most projects funded this year.

The Fellowships, announced last week, have been awarded to:

Dr Zhaolin Chen – Faculty of Information Technology;
Associate Professor Alice Gaby – Faculty of Arts;
Dr Tracey Sletten – Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences;
Associate Professor Rico Tabo – Faculty of Science; and
Dr Tony Velkov – Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.
Dr Zhaolin Chen was awarded more than $1 million to transform biomedical imaging using artificial intelligence with world-leading industry partners, including Siemens Healthineers and Forschungszentrum Jülich based in Germany.

Associate Professor Alice Gaby was awarded $862,952 for her project on creating innovative and enduring tools and resources for community-driven language maintenance and revitalisation to address the crisis in the loss of Indigenous languages within Australia.

Dr Tracey Sletten was awarded $859,472 for her project which aims to address impaired alertness associated with sleep loss and to provide customised sleep management strategies for shift workers.

Associate Professor Rico Tabor was awarded $889,419 for his research into developing a new generation of authentically home-compostable packaging materials, focused around meeting immediate and future needs for food packaging.

Dr Tony Velkov was awarded $874,096 for his research into engineering new chemical platforms for expanding our inventory of natural product antibiotics

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Rebekah Brown, said the large number of Fellowships awarded to the University this year reflects the research strength and diversity among mid-career researchers at Monash.

“These Fellowships will enable our brightest researchers to work closely with world-leading industry partners to create important change for the Australian community. This is terrific recognition of Monash’s research excellence, capability and industry engagement.

“Congratulations to the five recipients and a fantastic effort to all those who submitted an application this year.”

The ARC has awarded a total of 25 Fellowships across Australia with an aim to solve industry-defined challenges by leveraging the skills of researchers from both universities and industry.

The industry partners involved in the Monash-funded research projects include QANTAS, Sliabx Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd, the Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity and more.