Brock University Associate Vice-President of People and Culture appointed interim Vice-President, Administration

Associate Vice-President of People and Culture Jennifer Guarasci has been appointed Brock’s interim Vice-President, Administration.

An experienced leader and human resources professional with 13 years of experience at Brock, Guarasci has played a key role in fostering a dynamic workplace culture as well as positive, constructive relationships with partners across campus.

Her leadership was also critical in helping to manage the impact of COVID-19 on employees and in re-engaging the workforce post-pandemic.

“Jennifer is a skillful leader with a wealth of experience and a deep passion for Brock,” says Lesley Rigg, President and Vice-Chancellor. “Her exceptional ability to collaborate and manage complex projects will serve the institution well in the coming months, and I want to thank her for stepping into this very important role.”

Guarasci is currently leading the human resources team through a strategic shift aimed at improving HR processes and better aiding the University in advancing its strategic priorities.

Part of the shift includes the use of the new name Office of People and Culture, which reflects the team’s renewed focus.

“Brock’s community of exceptional people are its biggest asset — they’re what make this place so special,” says Guarasci, who earned her degree from Brock in 1998. “I feel incredibly lucky to be able to serve the University and look forward to working closely with leaders across campus in support of advancing Brock’s mission.”

Prior to joining Brock, Guarasci served as head of HR for a large hospitality and tourism company in Niagara, during which time she helped build the organization’s HR team and establish its people strategies, was involved in the building, purchasing and divestment of several properties, and managed the IT team while leading a complex, multi-stakeholder capital project.

An engaged member of the Niagara community, Guarasci sits on the board of a number of local non-profit organizations including Workforce Collective and Project SHARE.