Slogan writing programme held as part of Jalshakti Abhiyan

ALIGARH  : In order to raise awareness regarding rainwater harvesting in view of the growing scarcity of water, the Ahmadi School for the Visually Challenged, Aligarh Muslim University organized an event of Wall Writing (Slogan writing) as part of the “Jal Shakti Abhiyan (JSA): Catch the Rain-2023”, themed as “Source Sustainability for Drinking Water”.

Students of different classes, viz Manju (Class X), Kashish (VIII), Atifa Khatoon (VIII), Fazia Khan (VII), Jeevan Babu (VII) and Babu Khan (VI) participated in the event.

The School Principal, Dr. Naila Rashid urged the students and staff of the school to be vigilant about the conservation of water and try to make arrangements in their houses for rainwater harvesting.