POSTECH Expert Selected for AI Training Program at Carnegie Mellon University

Ms. Sujin Choi, currently a graduate student in the MS/PhD integrated program in the Division of Environmental Science and Engineering at POSTECH, has been selected as a participant for the AI training program at Carnegie Mellon University in the U.S.

Ms. Choi is currently researching process optimization and prediction methods in anaerobic digestion systems in waste management by applying AI. It is quite unusual for a student not specializing in AI to be selected for the program.

The CMU AI intensive training program is part of the capacity building program funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea, which provides Korean master’s and doctoral students in the specializing in information and communication technology with customized training at top-tier universities overseas. The program consists of theoretical training in AI, machine learning, natural language processing, and team projects that apply theories to practice. The training period is up to six months, from September this year to February next year, and the 30 finalists will receive scholarship for educational expenses, accommodation, and airfare.

“It is relatively difficult to accumulate data in the field of waste management compared to other fields,” explained Ms. Choi. “I was motivated to apply to the CMU program to find a solution for the lack of data and expand the scope of application of AI.”

“In the era of Industry 4.0, nurturing outstanding talent in the environmental sciences is critically connected to securing national competitiveness,” remarked Professor Seokhwan Hwang in the Division of Environmental Science and Engineering at POSTECH. “We are striving to raise experts in the convergent fields of environmental sciences to proactively respond to the rapid changes in environmental technologies and to create the most comfortable and sustainable environment pursued by industry and society.”