UC Music Institute’s ensemble celebrates 30 years with a cycle at the Fine Arts

Through a monthly concert -and until December- the stable group of the Institute of Music will present the results of three decades of research. The presentations, free of charge, started yesterday in the José Miguel Blanco Hall of the MNBA.

The Estudio MusicAntigua UC , a stable ensemble of the UC Music Institute that is celebrating its 30th anniversary, inaugurated yesterday, Wednesday, May 17, a series of concerts in the José Miguel Blanco Hall of the National Museum of Fine Arts (MNBA), located in José Miguel de la Bar #650. There will be a monthly presentation, free and always at 5:00 p.m., until December. The ensemble made up of academic specialists in historically informed musical interpretation thus disseminates their research and musical creation work.

The first program was titled “A spiritual concert”. The ensemble’s co-director, Sergio Candia , explains that this concert dedicated “Handel’s famous German arias, which follow the style of the Italian da capo aria and whose almost mystical texts followed the trend of nature poetry that arose from then in England. These works evoke images of nature within a contemplative atmosphere and with the wonderful musical expression typical of Handel.”

Professor Candia indicates that the soprano and professor of the Faculty of Letters, María José Brañes , will be accompanied by Estudio MusicAntigua UC with instruments from Handel’s time.

“Singing this repertoire with Estudio MusicAntigua has been an enormous privilege for me. Handel’s German Arias are especially delicate and their texts are loaded with meaning. They require particular attention to poetic and musical rhetoric, and require careful work of group: if there is an ensemble capable of achieving that, it is the EMA”, asserts Brañes and points out: “The opportunity to carry out the program at the Museum of Fine Arts and bring it closer to the public through conversation also seems to me a remarkable aspect: being able to go out from our usual spaces is something that enriches us as teachers and interpreters”.

The series of concerts and conferences “Encuentros en el Museo con Estudio MusicAntigua UC” will exhibit the results of research and productions developed during 30 years of artistic and academic life, playing period instruments in an interpretive practice inspired by the historical and stylistic contexts of origin of musical works.