UC hosts the visit of former President Ricardo Lagos

During his presentation, the ex-president thanked the instance of debate and reviewed the growth that Chile has had in recent decades, especially in terms of housing and health during his government.

Former President Lagos participated in a conversation panel directed by the director of Clapes UC Felipe Larraín, and which included the participation of prominent economists such as Jeannette Von Wolfersdorff, Cecilia Cifuentes and Joseph Ramos. PHOTO: Karina Fuenzalida – UC Communications Department.

With the presence of the former President of the Republic, Ricardo Lagos Escobar, Clapes UC began a cycle of presidential seminars entitled Chile 2050, which will convene former leaders in order to reflect on the challenges of our country for the future.

The rector of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Ignacio Sánchez, participated in this first edition, who welcomed the activity that took place in the Hall of Honor of the House of Studies together with the director of Clapes UC, Felipe Larraín, who was at the position of moderating a panel with renowned economists: Jeannette Von Wolfersdorff, co-founder of the Fiscal Observatory; Cecilia Cifuentes, director of the Center for Financial Studies of the ESE Business School Universidad de Los Andes and Joseph Ramos, tenured professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Chile.

During his presentation, the ex-president thanked the instance of debate and reviewed the growth that Chile has had in recent decades, especially in terms of housing and health during his government . Along these lines, he expressed the need to “advance and recover Chile’s leadership in the region, focusing on the equitable distribution of growth, sustainability and globalization, among others” , for which, he pointed out, “it is imperative that we all agree on what really needs to be done, set concrete tasks because otherwise we will continue in ideological discussions that have us trapped in the Chile that we want to build” .

Former President Ricardo Lagos met in the Audience Chamber with Chancellor Ignacio Sánchez, with the director of Clapes UC Felipe Larraín, with the lawyer and researcher at Clapes UC Karin Moore, and with the economists and panelists in this first seminar Jeannette Von Wolfersdorff , Cecilia Cifuentes and Joseph Ramos.

A long term vision
Along the same lines, during the conversation panel, Cecilia Cifuentes commented on an IMF study that indicates that the long-term growth of a country depends on its human capital as the key to success for the 21st century. This, she said, “has to do with implementing good policies in education, training and in the labor market . “

Finally, Professor Joseph Ramos delivered interesting proposals in which the common good is privileged over the small political advantage. Jeannette Von Wolfersdorff, for her part, stated that “the complexity of the current problems must be faced with a systemic and long-term vision with a country vision, seeking new democratic institutions” .