Sweeteners In The Diet Of Adults And Children Could Be Risky- Study

The World Health Organization (WHO) issued an alert for the unnecessary consumption of sweeteners aimed at weight control. According to the WHO, these products should not be ingested because they cause damage to health, regardless of the base of the sweetener. There is evidence that in the long term this type of product can cause serious side effects.

Nutritionist Patrícia Campos Ferraz, from the Faculty of Public Health at USP (FSP-USP), says that the news is not surprising, because there are already studies of damage to the microbiota, a kind of chronic inflation leading to injuries to blood vessels.

People who do not have pre-existing diabetes should not consume sweeteners. Preference should be given to fresh foods , which are naturally sweetened, without the use of chemical products.

Side effects
Prolonged use of sweeteners can cause serious effects on the body, such as the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, and even some types of cancer. The USP food science specialist explains that Brazilians need to change their relationship with sugar and it is necessary to re-signify this childish taste.

Currently, type 2 diabetes is the most frequent disease in the world, responsible for 90% of cases against 10% of type 1 diabetes. The indiscriminate use of sweeteners can increase mortality among adults and, therefore, Patrícia recommends drinking liquids without sugar or sweeteners. Always give preference to juices and natural products over industrialized ones. According to her, it is necessary to value the real flavor of food.

It is important for parents to start their children in the habit of not consuming sugar in childhood, so that children become future adults who consume less sugar and learn the natural taste of foods such as fruits and juices.