CUPB Dept. of Biochemistry conducted invited lectures by eminent scientists

Bathinda : This week, the Department of Biochemistry at the Central University of Punjab conducted two invited lectures on the topics “Identification and Engineering of Biochemical Pathways in Medicinally Important Plants” and “Women in Sciences.” These lectures were delivered by distinguished speakers, including Prof. Kashmir Singh from the Department of Biotechnology at Panjab University and Dr. Ravneet Kaur from the Department of Biotechnology at Panjab University, Chandigarh.


At the outset, Dr. Baljinder Singh Gill, Head of the Department of Biochemistry at CUPB, welcomed the participants and introduced the esteemed speakers.


The first lecture session of this program was presented by Prof. Kashmir Singh. He discussed the topic of ‘Identification and Engineering of Biochemical Pathways in Medicinally Important Plants.’ He began his lecture by emphasizing the significance of secondary metabolites in plants and their role in Ayurvedic, Unani, and herbal medicine. He then provided detailed insights into the role of secondary metabolites in Chlorophytum borivillianum (Safed Musli) and Saussurea lappa (Kushta). Prof. Kashmir Singh delved into the functional genomics of saponin biosynthesis in Chlorophytum borivillianum (Safed Musli) and the utilization of deep sequencing of small RNAs to identify and characterize microRNAs from Chlorophytum borivilianum. Moreover, he shared an integrated analysis of smRNAome, transcriptome, and degradome data to unravel the microRNAs that regulate costunolide biosynthesis in Saussurea lappa (Kushta).


During the second session, Dr. Ravneet Kaur delivered a lecture on the topic of ‘Women in Science.’ She shared inspiring stories of female Indian scientists who have represented India on the international stage and brought laurels to our country. In her lecture, she highlighted the remarkable contributions made by women to the field of science throughout history, despite encountering significant barriers and biases. Dr. Ravneet Kaur emphasized that by recognizing and empowering women in science, we not only acknowledge their achievements but also tap into the untapped potential they bring to the table. She also discussed the importance of gender equality in science, stating that it is not merely a matter of fairness but a crucial factor for scientific progress and innovation. Dr. Ravneet Kaur conveyed a message to society, urging the promotion of inclusivity, diversity, and equal opportunities for women, which paves the way for a future where women in science thrive and contribute to shaping a better world for all.


Dr. Ravneet, herself is a DST Women Scientist, SERB Young Scientist, Marie Curie Fellow, and has served as post doc fellow at four international universities, such as: McGill University, Montreal, Canada; Missouri state University, USA; Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland; and University of Nottingham, UK. She shared her journey of life and shed light on how she accomplished success.


The programme was attended by faculty, research scholars and students from various department of the university.