Leiden University appoints new Scientific Director of the LIACS institute

Marcello Bonsangue will be the new Scientific Director of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) from January 2024. Bonsangue has been appointed for four years. He succeeds Aske Plaat, who led the institute for eight years.

Marcello Bonsangue is Professor of Computer Science. In addition, he was Programme Director for six years, from which he step down in August 2022. He also served as coordinator for international cooperation and research leader of the theory cluster at LIACS. His research focuses on understanding how to build better and reliable software systems.

Dean Jasper Knoester is very pleased that Marcello is willing to take on the position of Scientific Director. ‘The faculty board got to know Marcello during his time as Programme Director as a good and dedicated manager and a team player. He is an excellent fit for the type of leadership the board envisions for the coming years. I look forward to work with him.’

Huge growth LIACS capably managed
Marcello’s arrival also marks the departure of Aske Plaat as director. Knoester: ‘Aske has steered the enormous growth of the institute over the past eight years in the right direction. That is truly a great achievement for which we are very grateful to him.’