QNu Labs puts India at the forefront of data security and privacy, powered through Quantum technology

Bengaluru: QNu Labs, the first company in India to offer commercially available Quantum Safe Security Products, today announced the launch of the Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG) called Tropos and Quantum Key Distribution System (QKD) called Armos, which are deployment ready in India as well in international markets. With this launch, QNu Labs aims to address the increasing issues around data security & privacy, which have become a key concern for enterprises, governments and defense organizations across the world.

The unique technology enables a pair of quantum safe cryptographic keys between two remote parties through an exchange of encoded quantum bits (qubits), which are Un-Hackable, by virtue of the laws of quantum physics. Besides QKD (Armos) and QRNG (Tropos), QNu Labs has also developed some of the critical sub components such as Single photon Detectors, Time to Digital Convertors and Clock Synchronization modules critical for the realization of Quantum Safe Security products and solutions. Some of these sub-components can be used in other applications being focused under the National Mission – Quantum Technologies and Applications.

QNu Labs with its ‘Quantum First’ approach will be playing a significant role in enabling growth of India’s Quantum Eco-system and making India self-reliant on ‘Quantum technologies.’ The launch of new products is a key step towards addressing the government’s vision of becoming a global quantum computing leader for which it allocated INR 8000 crore in the recently announced Union budget. As the pioneer in the Quantum technology space in India, QNu Labs is focused on building a collaborative eco-system with participation in workgroups on Quantum technologies, crafting industry thought leadership and partnering with the government.

Sunil Gupta, Co-promoter Co-founder and CEO, QNu Labs, said, “Our unique products & solutions offer unconditional protection to ‘data in motion’ for sectors like defense, homeland security, government’s critical infrastructure, finance, and healthcare. Another special aspect of our offerings is that we achieve this disruption in a seamless way without disrupting the business and wastage of any existing investments.”

QNu Labs is a ‘Made in India’ innovation and a true R&D led, IP focused quantum player that has built one-of-its kind quantum products & solutions. The current public-key encryption method is exposed and becomes highly vulnerable to quantum computers. Hackers are now incentivized to carry out the “Harvest Now, Decrypt Later” attack where they can copy and store encrypted data and decrypt it at a later stage with quantum computers. Thus, forward security is very important today and the window to act is shrinking fast. QNu Labs intention is to protect data at a national level and an ambition to build a global product.

Srinivasa Rao Aluri, Co-founder and Chairman, QNu Labs, said, “We are proud to have achieved the vision of an Indian deep tech company with full indigenized Quantum Safe Security products which can be deployed globally. Lot of people told us that India can’t build deep tech products in India and discouraged us from spending our own money in this venture. But our belief, concept and vision of “New India” that will be a technology leader in deep tech made us work relentlessly towards our mission. Eventually we were able to make the first Quantum Key Distribution Product right here in Bangalore.”

As a unique offering, to strengthen the ecosystem further, they have built a training and experimentation platform, “Questio” for academic institutes to build skills and train students with hands-on experiments in the quantum space.

QNu product roadmap includes development of Quantum Hardware Security Modules, Free Space & Satellite QKD, Post Quantum Cryptography solutions which will become the base for critical infrastructure in the future. QNu Labs smart and efficient products/solutions focus on catering seamless security for the cloud and internet space.