Aston University reveals new strategy while celebrating anniversary of receiving Royal Charter

Aston University welcomed over 150 guests from the business community, industry, public services, education and professional organisations to its annual Charter Dinner on Wednesday 14 June.

The dinner is an important event in the University calendar to celebrate its heritage dating back to its formation as the School of Metallurgy in 1875 and receiving its Royal Charter in 1966.

In his address to guests, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Professor Aleks Subic announced that the University is preparing to launch its new 2030 strategy. He outlined how the strategy will shape the next decade and position the institution to succeed in the future within a changing world.

He said:

“For more than a century, Aston University has been committed to serving the people of Birmingham, the West Midlands and beyond. Our enduring purpose has been to enrich our diverse communities and support inclusive growth through education, research and innovation.

“We have strong foundations on which to build and we can be proud of our achievements to date. But we want to do more for our students, businesses and communities that we serve.

“I am excited by what lies ahead for Aston University.”