University Of Massachusetts Amherst Announces 2023 Stride Faculty Fellows Announced

Wilmore Webley, senior vice provost for equity and inclusion, is pleased to welcome a cohort of 32 faculty members to the STRIDE Faculty Fellowship Program, aimed at advancing faculty diversity and retention at UMass Amherst.

This fellowship program is designed to ensure that the STRIDE Faculty Recruitment Workshops continue to be faculty centered and faculty driven, examining challenges of recruitment and retention on the UMass Amherst campus. Fellows have a one-year appointment with the goal of continued engagement either through STRIDE or other recruitment initiatives developed during the fellowship year.

The STRIDE Faculty Fellowship Program, sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Office of Equity and Inclusion, complements other efforts to support faculty diversity, harnessing the collective knowledge and experience of university faculty to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in recruitment and retention. This year, the STRIDE program adds a new training for department and college personnel committees, Strategies and Tactics for Retention through Inclusive Promotion Evaluation (STRIPE). This training is modeled after the Texas A&M STRIPE training and a subset of this year’s fellows will be specifically trained to administer this training to personnel committee members who volunteer to be certified.

2023 STRIDE Faculty Fellows:

Steve Acquah – associate research professor, chemistry; Digital Media Lab coordinator, W.E.B. Du Bois Library

Lynn Adler – professor, biology

Lara Al-Hariri – senior lecturer II, chemistry

Ivon Arroyo – associate professor, teacher education and curriculum studies

Theresa Austin – professor, teacher education and curriculum studies

Michael Becker – associate professor, linguistics

Terrie Black – clinical associate professor, Elaine Marieb College of Nursing

Elizabeth Brabec – professor, landscape architecture and regional planning

Soonkyu Chung – associate professor, nutrition

Carey Clouse – associate professor, architecture and landscape architecture

Justin Coles – assistant professor, social justice education and director of arts, culture and political engagements at the Center of Racial Justice and Youth Engaged Research

Isabel Espinal – research services librarian for Afro American Studies, Latin American, Caribbean & Latinx Studies, Native American & Indigenous Studies, and Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies

Laura Francis – senior lecturer, biology

Mwangi wa Gĩthĩnji – associate professor, economics

Sanjiv Gupta – associate professor, sociology

Christiane Healey – senior lecturer, biology

Jonathan Hulting-Cohen – associate professor, music and dance

Ken Kleinman – professor, biostatistics

Lisa Komoroske – assistant professor, environmental conservation

Jacquie Kurland – associate professor, speech, language, and hearing sciences

Joshua Michal – associate professor, music and dance

Sindiso MnisiWeeks – assistant professor, political science

Magda Oiry – senior lecturer, linguistics

Shelly Peyton – Provost Professor, chemical engineering

Kalpana Poudel-Tandukar – associate professor, Elaine Marieb College of Nursing

Timothy Randhir – professor, environmental conservation

Matthew Rattigan – senior teaching faculty, Manning College of Information & Computer Sciences

Cheryl Swanier – senior teaching faculty, Manning College of Information & Computer Sciences

Jay Taneja – assistant professor, electrical and computer engineering

Neena Thota – senior teaching faculty, Manning College of Information & Computer Sciences

Garrett Washington – associate professor, history

Kelsey Whipple – assistant professor, journalism