University Of Massachusetts Amherst Signs New Cooperation Agreement With Town Of Hadley

The Town of Hadley and the University of Massachusetts Amherst have signed a new strategic partnership agreement emphasizing open communication and joint efforts to deal with mutual challenges and opportunities.

The agreement, effective July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2027, includes an annual $85,000 payment to Hadley to support community needs identified as community concerns through its planning processes, town meeting or other areas.

The agreement calls for annual meetings between the UMass Amherst chancellor and town officials, and regular meetings between the University Relations staff and the town administrator and other town officials to communicate information of mutual concern.

“The university deeply values its relationship with the Town of Hadley and I am pleased that with this agreement, we will continue to work together on issues of mutual interest,” said Chancellor Kumble R. Subbaswamy.

Hadley Select Board member Molly Keegan said, “The university is an important partner to the Town of Hadley and we value that relationship. We will continue to look for opportunities to collaborate in everyone’s best interests.”

This agreement extends and affirms the commitment by the university and the town to pursue economic development opportunities, particularly around student needs and university research. The university will continue to offer the town partnership opportunities with faculty and projects that help assess economic impact.

The parties also agreed to work together to mitigate the effects of Route 9 traffic; to share information on long-range planning; and to explore issues of available and affordable housing for students, staff and families relocating to the area.