Technology Not Always Influences Parent-child Relationship

The so-called conflict of generations is not something current, it has always existed and when it comes to parents and children. The impression one has is that it has increased in recent times, mainly due to the digital world. As young people, and even children, dominate the subject – cell phones, streamings, applications, TV controls, games, among others -, there is a kind of “dominance” of these young people over their parents. It’s like adults lose authority over their children. Is it really that? or is it just an impression?

family mismatch
Psychologist Leila Cury Tardivo, from the Institute of Psychology at USP , a specialist in child and adolescent care, says that “the change in the parent-child relationship was not necessarily caused by technology, but by this mismatch, by this mismatch”. The challenge in raising children starts at home and not at school, as many parents believe. ” Many parents stay on their own social networks and are unable to have a dialogue with their children, says the specialist. Young people should not be left alone locked in a room without interaction with adults.

Among the characteristics of this new generation are: immediacy, individualism, they are always online, they carry the world in the palm of their hand, they are sustained and have great difficulty expressing themselves in social situations. Despite this change in behavior, parents are still the authority for these young people, but without the tyranny of other times. According to the psychologist, “young people know a lot more about technology, but they don’t know about life, so it’s important to realize that this young person may not be okay with so many hours on social networks”, she evaluates.

This power that children have over their parents has always existed, regardless of social media and the use of technology. It is important for parents to explain the difference between desire and need, that is, there must be a limit and more than that, knowing how to hear no. It is a fact that young people understand this digital world better than their parents and this is an exchange that needs to be made. Parents share life experiences and children knowledge of new technologies. Dialogue is fundamental in relationships. The adult needs to play the role of a father or mother and not a friend, “understand the moment the children are going through and be with them as parents. They often need a word, advice or comfort. May we not allow technology to interfere with human relationships. Relationships within the family are fundamental”, reinforces Leila.

Undoubtedly, adolescence is the most complicated phase of growth, when rebellion is part of a young person’s maturity, but everything must have limits. Parents must keep an open communication channel before this phase arrives and remember that denying is also loving. It is very important in the family environment that there are values ​​and principles so that there is union between such different generations.