Technical Specialists Promotional Pathway Pilot begins at University of Warwick

The University of Warwick today launches its Technical Specialists Promotional Pathway Pilot, only the second of its kind in the UK.

The Technical Specialists Promotional Pathway Pilot will enable the highly talented technical specialists at the University of Warwick to progress based on merit for their direct inputs to research, teaching and training, outreach and knowledge exchange. This is in alignment with the recommendations from the TALENT Commission.

The University of Warwick has a wide range of talented technical specialists, embedded within Departments. These experts operate Research Technology Platforms and host several UKRI funded National Research Facilities on campus. The Technical Specialist Promotional Pathway is key to recognition and career development for these leading experts and offers clear progression criteria.

Dr Ian Hancox, Director of Research Technology and Technical Strategy at the University of Warwick said: “It is fantastic to have a route for progression obtainable on individual merit available for our highly skilled technical specialists. We have world leaders in their technologies and specialisms here, shown by recent EPSRC, MRC and BBSRC awards with technical specialists as principal investigators (PIs) at the University of Warwick. This pathway will allow staff the opportunity to progress to a professorial level equivalent whilst retaining a key specialist focus.”

Dr Kelly Vere MBE, Programme Director, Technician Commitment (Science Council) said: “Technical skills and expertise are integral to UK meeting its targets for research and innovation. I am delighted that the University of Warwick are launching further initiatives in response to the Research England funded TALENT Commission (published in February 2022), with the Technical Specialist Promotional Pathway the latest of these. This work aligns strongly with the Technician Commitment’s aims to advance visibility, recognition and career development opportunities for the technical community in the UK higher education and research.”

Professor David Leadley, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) at the University of Warwick commented: “We recognise the important role our technical staff play in the University of Warwick’s world leading research, teaching, and impact. The Technical Specialist Promotional Pathway adds to the creation of our Technical Job Family structure and activities to develop our technical talent pipeline. We will continue to build on this work to ensure the University of Warwick remains one of the best places in the UK to build a technical career.”