PolyU launches Comprehensive Exercise Guide for All

Established recently by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), the PolyU Press has published a new title entitled Comprehensive Exercise Guide for All with the aim of promoting basic knowledge about exercising and providing appropriate exercise suggestions for people of different health needs The publication of the book was sponsored by Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund, and was co-edited by Prof. Amy FU, Peter Hung Professor in Pain Management, Associate Head and Professor of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of PolyU, and Prof. Gabriel NG, former Chair Professor and Head of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of PolyU. Many experts from the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences also contributed articles to the book.

The book launch was attended by Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU; Dr Miranda LOU, Executive Vice President of PolyU; Dr Katherine NGAN, Court Chairman of PolyU; Ms Jasmie MONG, Senior Manager of Shun Hing Group; Mr Justin MONG, Executive Assistant of Shun Hing Group; together with PolyU’s Council and Court members, Foundation members, elite student-athletes, as well as other guests.

At the book launch, Prof. Amy Fu and one of the contributors of the book, Dr Shirley NGAI, Associate Professor of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of PolyU, along with YIP Tak-long, an elite student-athlete of PolyU, exchanged ideas with attendees, sharing common knowledge about exercising and “why” and “how” to exercise for chronic low back pain and enhancements on cardiopulmonary functions.

In her address, Dr Miranda Lou said, “The Department of Rehabilitation Sciences has been designing exercise solutions with targeted curative effects based on their professional knowledge in the fields of both medical and sports science. For many years, PolyU has been highly supportive of sports development, encouraging students to unleash their talents in sports while supporting sports science. The Research Institute for Sports Science and Technology (RISports) was founded under the PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR) to promote interdisciplinary collaboration in the field of sports, with the goal of strengthening our research capacity in sports.”

Prof. Amy Fu said, “We sincerely hope this book can help readers understand how to improve personal health and raise exercise performance through appropriate exercise training and changes in personal habits. We also hope to transfer and popularise the research efforts of the University, promoting ‘target-oriented’ exercises to improve public health.”

The main aim of establishing the PolyU Press is to motivate more PolyU scholars to share their teaching and research efforts, thereby contributing to wider society.