University Of Glasgow academics among the research group to receive RSE Awards

The RSE today announced that 33 exceptional research projects have been selected at the spring 2023 Research Awards Programme call.

Among those to receive funding were eight academics from the University of Glasgow. A total of £617,095 will enable research across all academic disciplines, with projects ranging from greener supercomputing to ensure weather and climate simulations do not cost the earth; to developing an interdisciplinary LGBTQIA+ mental health network for Scotland; to re-wilding impacts on the historic environment; to mapping stories of children’s rights implementation in Scottish schools.

In this latest round, lead investigators represent 10 of the 19 Scottish higher education institutions. The funded projects will enable collaboration with researchers based at 20 institutions in total, including internationally, with academics based in Norway, Turkey, and Australia.

The RSE’s Research Awards programme runs twice a year in spring and autumn and aims to support Scotland’s research sector by nurturing promising talent, stimulating research in Scotland, and promoting international collaboration.

RSE Vice President, Research Professor Anne Anderson FRSE, OBE said: “The RSE’s Research Awards Programme is crucial in supporting Scotland’s vibrant research sector. The outstanding work of these awardees will advance our knowledge, help us to tackle global challenges, and be of benefit to Scottish society. On behalf of the RSE, I applaud them, wish them well in their research endeavours, and thank them for their contributions.”

The new UofG RSE Research Awardees is as follows:

International Joint Projects
Professor Deborah Cairns, School of Health & Wellbeing, University of Glasgow and Dr Janelle Weise, University of New South Wales
Improving Cancer Screening for People with Intellectual Disabilities: Developing a Research Agenda Through Knowledge Exchange
RSE Research Networks
Professor Nicki Whitehouse, School of Humanities | Sgoil nan Daonnachdan, University of Glasgow; Dr Emma Jenkins, University of Bournemouth; and Dr Kim Ward, University of Plymouth
Into the Wild: Re-wilding Impacts on the Historic Environment
RSE Research Workshops
Dr Amy Holdsworth, School of Culture & Creative Arts, University of Glasgow
Graduate Attributes for the Scottish Film and Television Industries
Dr Hessam Mehr, School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow
Sound Chemistry: Acoustic Confinement as a New Parallel Chemical Reactor
Dr James Rann, School of Modern Languages & Cultures, University of Glasgow
From the Ground Up: Reframing Russian Studies in Scotland and Beyond
Dr Clara Cohen, School of Critical Studies, and Dr Rachel Smith, School of Critical Studies, University of Glasgow
Demonstrating Understanding: The Role of Demonstrative Determiners in Deepening Phonetic and Semantic Processing
Professor Alan Riach, School of Critical Studies, University of Glasgow
Scottish Literature in the Scots Language: An Anthology
The next open call for RSE Research Awards will run from 7th September – noon, 26 October 2023.
The call will include 8 different funding opportunities covering all career stages and academic disciplines:

Small Research Grants
Research Workshops
Research Networks
Personal Research Fellowships
International Joint Projects
Scotland Asia Partnerships Higher education Research (SAPHIRE) Fund
Ireland–Scotland Bilateral Network Grants
International Bilateral Visits