Patent granted to AMU Teacher for Designing Special Bicycle for Differently Abled Persons


Aligarh : A bicycle for differently abled persons has been invented by Mr Shamshad Ali, Associate Professor, Boys Polytechnic, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU). The Patent Office, Government of India has granted him patent number 441899 for the said invention.

“The object of this invention is to provide an attachment having retractable supporting wheels to bicycle for differently abled person to stabilize the bicycle in a vertical position when bicycle either runs at low speed or in rest position, in order to allow the rider to start oneself upon the bicycle without the help of another person”, informed Mr Shamshad Ali.

He said that it will improve the quality of life of the differently abled or old age people, and enhance their level of confidence while allowing them to experience the real feel of balancing on two wheels of a bicycle without support wheels.

Professor Arshad Umar, Principal, University Polytechnic congratulated Mr. Shamshad Ali for obtaining the eighth patent for his inventive designs.

Talking about the features of his invention Mr Ali explained that the present invention discloses an attachment for bicycle having Retractable Supporting Wheels for differently abled, old age people and learners which will stabilize the bicycle in a vertical position when bicycle is either stopped or slowed down.

“The supporting wheels can be lifted off the ground with the help of the compound lever handle using less manual effort and locked at their top position when the bicycle attains its normal speed in order to reduce the frictional losses”, he pointed out.

Mr Shamshad Ali further said that the supporting wheels automatically retract when the bicycle is either stopped or slowed down by applying the brakes in order to keep the bicycle in vertical position to reduce risk of falling and injury to the rider.