UC to celebrate Interculturality in August

The initiative, which is celebrating its tenth version, will take place between August 23 and 31 at the five campuses of the university, during the new lunch block. This year, the aim is to promote the different cultures that make up the UC, such as the foreign and migrant community, and people belonging to the original peoples.

Le dialogue UC, UC-dialogen, uka UC aruskipt’aña or nütramkay UC, there are many ways of saying the same thing: La UC Dialoga . The UC community is heterogeneous, it is made up of a diversity of cultures, languages, beliefs and nationalities, which is why the tenth version of La UC Dialoga will focus on interculturality.

The issue is not alien to the university, having as a milestone the creation of the UC Interculturality program in 2021, which in its report defines the concept as: “respect and promotion of cultural diversity under the assumption of common recognition of the human rights and dignity that each person possesses regardless of their town of origin, gender, age, territorial belonging and religion”.

“ The notion of interculturality has precisely to do with connecting different cultures in a permanent dialogue, in interaction, that promotes learning. The more homogeneous we are, and as an institution, the more we miss out on that experience. The important thing is how it transforms us, this is not just learning, but how to learn from others, and how that guides us”, explains Roberto González, an academic at the School of Psychology and director of the UC Interculturality program.

“The notion of interculturality has precisely to do with connecting different cultures in a permanent dialogue, in interaction, that promotes learning. The more homogeneous we are, and as an institution, the more we miss out on that experience. The important thing is how it transforms us, this is not only learning, but how to learn from others, and how that guides us”- Roberto González, director of the UC Interculturality program.

The activity seeks to promote interculturality, share experiences, perspectives and ideas. As well as promoting positive and constructive coexistence with the international and migrant community, people belonging to native peoples, the Chilean Afro-descendant tribal people, among others.

“ I think that talking about interculturality means talking about new paths of learning . Interculturality for many groups means a path of reconciliation for a complicated past. But in many other cases, it also responds to practical purposes. It is convenient for us to listen to what the other has to say, it is convenient for us to listen to what the other can contribute to us, because the other has also traveled a path that is long and hard, in which there is much to learn”, says Enerike Carrasco Hotu, student of Archeology born in Rapa Nui.

“I think that talking about interculturality means talking about new ways of learning… It is in our interest to listen to what the other has to say, it is in our interest to listen to what the other can contribute to us, because the other has also traveled a path that is long and requires effort. , in which there is much to learn” – Enerike Carrasco Hotu, Rapa Nui, Archeology student.

UC Dialoga seeks to bring together the entire UC community: officials, academics, and students . Last year close to 600 participants were summoned, who talked about the constitutional proposal, and for this tenth version it is expected that the summons will be the same or greater.

“The importance (of UC Dialoga) is that students can become part of the contingent discussion. Being part of these activities allows you to share visions with teachers, with officials, with authorities , and in this way build not only a better university, but also a better university for the country”, says Sabina Orellana, president of the FEUC.

At each dialogue table there will be a moderator who will explain the topic to be discussed, which may vary according to the thematic axes that will be developed in the activity: exchange of views for a diverse UC; intercultural coexistence: breaking stereotypes and prejudices; expression of identities: culture and beliefs; teaching and learning: assessment of knowledge and knowledge; promotion and intercultural development in a university environment.

“Being part of these activities allows you to share visions with teachers, with officials, with authorities, and in this way build not only a better university, but also a better university for the country” – Sabina Orellana, president of the FEUC.

generate changes
The opinions and conclusions that are discussed in the activity will be the basis for a report that synthesizes the main opinions expressed in La UC Dialoga. These documents -which have been prepared after each version- are a valuable input regarding different topics and have helped to develop various initiatives throughout these 10 years, such as the current university coexistence policy (2019).

“We hope that, as in previous versions, these tables in the courtyard where we will discuss in community, promote significant changes in our university environment, that contribute to recognizing and valuing interculturality as a central aspect of our university institution, and that highlight the wealth of living together in a space where different perspectives are important and make us unique”, says rector Ignacio Sánchez.

“I think it will be an important activity, since it will beit disseminates the intercultural program that is being promoted in a broader way. The most important thing will be the minutes, the agreements, what is discussed and how it is discussed, because in this way it will be possible to have an x-ray of the current UC community and what it thinks of interculturality, how it sees it, how it interferes and perhaps these results also encourage an intervention. After La UC Dialoga, after all the results, there has to be how the UC takes charge of this interculturality, but in a word, in a complete sense, that is, that it permeates the entire institutional framework”, says Rayen Alarcón , Mapuche Law student and member of Trawun Tinkuy, an organization of UC students belonging to indigenous peoples.

“We hope that, as in previous versions, these tables in the courtyard where we will discuss in community, promote significant changes in our university environment, that contribute to recognizing and valuing interculturality as a central aspect of our university institution and that highlight the richness of living together in a space where different perspectives are important and make us unique”. – Chancellor Ignacio Sanchez.

Dialogue to find us
“The concept of La UC Dialoga is to get people, our community from all walks of life, to think together and discuss here those things that stress us, but also unite us,” explains academic Roberto González, director of the UC Intercultural Program (Photo credit: César Cortés)
The dialogues will take place outdoors on the five campuses of the university: Casa Central, San Joaquín, Oriente, Lo Contador and Villarrica. The activity will take place during the new lunch block – between 1:30 p.m. and 2:50 p.m. – to facilitate participation. In addition, for a better organization of the event, prior registration is requested , although it is not a necessary requirement to attend.

“ The concept of La UC Dialoga is to get people, our community from all walks of life, to think together and discuss here those things that stress us, but also unite us, to recognize that diversity, what are the prejudices that exist in around different cultural groups . Thinking and discussing is the best way to make our communities grow and develop. The theme of interculturality has been very present in the university. What happens is that today we are giving it a space and a visibility that we did not have”, adds Roberto González.

“UC Dialoga was born 10 years ago to meet in community. We do not need to be experts on the subject to be able to talk and think together about the University we want. This time it is interculturality that brings us together and the truth is, I can’t think of a broader, more transversal and convening theme, because we are all carriers of cultures, traditions and beliefs. And all of them make us different and allow us to contribute. So the invitation is made. Come to the patios, let’s have a coffee, share a lunch and unite all those cultures that coexist daily at the UC in a shared dialogue”, concludes Verónica Guarda, director of UC Communications, a unit of the Vice-Rector for Communications in charge of organizing the event. event.

“Come to the patios, let’s have a coffee, share a lunch and unite all those cultures that coexist daily at UC in a shared dialogue” – Director of UC Communications, Verónica Guarda.