UC Engineering students present 120 ideas to help micro, small and medium-sized companies

From a patch to calm pets in veterinary offices, to an innovative anti-drop tray for waiters, they are part of the technological solutions developed by UC Engineering students.

First-year UC Engineering students presented 120 ideas to help micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the country, during the technology fair “Engineering Challenges” at the San Joaquín Campus.

Among the innovations developed were a patch to calm pets in veterinary offices and an innovative anti-drop tray for waiters. Also a sphere with a rotator mechanism that makes it easier to hold the crochet sticks, avoiding tendinitis problems.

“The course challenges first-year students to think and design creative solutions that respond to a topic of current interest, in this case MSMEs that have been forced to plan and organize their activities due to the economic situation,” said Catalina. Cortázar, director of the initiative.

The UC Engineering professor valued the research work behind the ideas presented this semester, as well as the quality of the prototypes demonstrated at the technology fair, which were evaluated by the university’s teaching community.