Alexandria University President Receives Virginia Tech American University Delegation to Discuss Future Cooperation

Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received at the University’s headquarters in Shatby, a Virginia Tech University delegation, headed by Dr. Thomas Archibald, Executive Director of the Center for Education, Development and International Research, to discuss ways of academic and research cooperation between the two sides in the scientific and research fields of common interest in general, and the engineering, technological and computer science fields in particular.

The meeting was attended Dr. Saeed Allam, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Yasser Fouad, Dean of the Faculty of Computers and Data Science, Dr. Jihan Gowifel, Assistant President of the University for International Universities Branches Affairs, Dr. Sameh Shehata and Dr. Boshra Salem, officials of the International Relations Office, and Dr. Ghada El-Khayyat, Head of the Center for Educational Innovations and Distance Learning.

In his speech Dr. Konsowa stressed the keenness of Alexandria University to continue cooperation with Virginia Tech in the fields of education and scientific research, pointing to the possibility of integration between the Water Excellence Center at Alexandria University and its counterpart at Virginia Tech in the field of membrane technology for water treatment, and cooperation in projects related to sustainability, green economy, green hydrogen, and reducing carbon emissions to meet the challenges of climate change, in addition to cooperation in linking knowledge-based technologies between the academic community and industry to support the knowledge-based economy He also referred to the direction of Alexandria International University to establish international branches in Burg El Arab in cooperation with prestigious international universities.

Dr. Archibald expressed his pleasure in cooperation with Alexandria University and his keenness to develop this cooperation and exchange expertise in scientific and research fields of common interest.