University of São Paulo to host a career fair in September

On September 14, 15 and 16, 2023, the 17th edition of Feira USP e as Profissões will take place , on the campus of Cidade Universitária, in the Butantã neighborhood, in São Paulo, which this year is much bigger, with twice as many pavilions from the previous one. The initiative of the Pro-Rectory of Culture and University Extension of USP (PRCEU) is aimed at high school students and preparatory courses for the entrance exam. The event features information on undergraduate courses and teaching units, in addition to interactive activities, professional guidance and instructions on how to enter USP. Participation is free, but to speed up entry, those interested can register in advance at this link .

The main objective of the event is to bring students closer to teaching units, museums, campus laboratories and also to the environment that the future university student may find. In total, 333 undergraduate courses are offered in the capital and in the interior of the State, in addition to 428 master’s and 394 doctoral programs. In several pavilions, students obtain information on USP courses and careers in conversations with USP students and professors.

“The USP and Professions Fair is a very important event because it involves all USP units and, mainly, because it brings the University very close to society, one of the pillars of our mission. The dimension it has reached in recent years demonstrates this importance. During the fair, we have the opportunity to interact with tens of thousands of young people, in addition to their families, seeking to guide them on the best possible way to plan their future”, highlights professor Marli Quadros Leite, dean of Culture and Extension University of USP.

With twice as many pavilions as in the previous edition, this year several improvements were made to serve visitors. At Praça do Relógio, an architectural landmark and symbol of the University, the fair brings together stands with USP students and professors, who present their careers and clarify doubts about the courses offered, professions, the job market, academic training, disciplines and contents programmatic, in addition to the university routine and the possibilities of specializations. There will also be presentations and activities on a central stage. Some activities will be made available later on the YouTube channel.

Visitors can obtain guidance on how to enter the University and programs and scholarships to encourage student retention. Fuvest will serve interested parties and register for USP’s 2024 entrance exam. Professors will also be able to find out about the extension courses offered by the University, many of which are free.

interactive activities

To help students choose a profession, the Institute of Psychology at USP (IP) will promote professional guidance workshops, which will be offered directly at the unit itself. There will also be interactive activities and chat rooms, exhibitions of collections from USP museums, lectures and presentations.

Check out the activities:

The Physics Show , created over 39 years ago to show curious and fun experiments to stimulate the formation of new scientists;
The activities of the Química em Ação group, made up of students and professors from the Institute of Chemistry who use theater and philosophy to tell stories in a didactic and interactive way;
The Giant Cell, developed by the Human Genome Study Center of the Biosciences Institute at USP, makes it possible to discover the inside of a cell with all its organelles, nucleus, Golgi complex, mitochondria and others in a 40 cubic meter structure.
The choice of profession

One of USP’s largest and most traditional events in the area of ​​extension and relationship with society, Feira USP e as Profissões has been marked, for 20 years, by an intense participation of young people in search of their professional future.

In 2022, the event received 66,408 visitors, coming from 27 Brazilian states and 16 other countries. Of this public, 88.43% were high school students and 4.96% studied in pre-university preparatory courses, with 49% coming from public schools and 51% from private schools.

Pro-rector Marli Quadros Leite reinforces the importance of students making direct contact with the University in an event of this size. “The USP and Profissões Fair is yet another strategy to democratize the public and free university, as it shows that everyone can and should have access to one of the best universities in the world”, emphasizes the dean.

The event

The USP e as Profissões Fair is a totally free event and is part of the USP e as Profissões Program , which also carries out monitored visits to teaching units throughout the year.

The first edition took place in 2001, on the Ribeirão Preto campus. Until 2019, different USP campuses in the interior promoted annual editions, on a rotating basis. In the capital, the event has been held annually since 2006. After a period on the Butantã campus, the event was held from 2014 to 2019 at USP’s Science and Technology Park (CienTec). In 2020 and 2021, with the covid-19 pandemic, the editions were online and in 2022 it returned to Cidade Universitária.

According to the USP Yearbook, updated in 2022, 333 undergraduate courses are offered in the capital and in the interior of the State, in addition to 428 master’s programs and 394 doctoral programs, with 60,120 students enrolled in undergraduate courses and 29,430 in graduate courses, divided into 13,912 in the master’s and 15,518 in the doctorate. Of these numbers, added to the 7,808 students in special subjects, 47.86% are women and 52.14% are men.