Research Finds Fad With Dog Breeds Causes Abandonment Of Animals And Inconvenience To Families

With the intensification of the use of social networks in recent years, fashion has gained another importance: being attractive not only to people, but also to algorithms. This new reality, which impacts people’s behavior and thinking, has once again brought up the problem of adopting or buying pets, such as dogs, on impulse. The attitude, on the part of tutors who do not seek information about the pets, perpetuates a cycle of expectation and abandonment.

The trend issue is not unique to today nor was it created because of the internet. The Lhasa Apsos, from Tibet, although in another context, were presented as a sign of respect, in addition to being the official race of the Dalai Lama. However, with so much information currently available, Professor Daniele dos Santos Martins, from the Faculty of Zootechnics and Food Engineering of Pirassununga (FZEA) at USP, regrets that animals are still acquired in adverse situations by tutors, who are often unprepared. According to her, the appearance of some breeds on social media or on television causes a surge in the acquisition of that type.

“The fad is harmful to animals and also to their guardians, as many are unaware of the specificities of the breeds, which can cause inconvenience for guardians and inconvenience for the animals”, says the specialist in Animal Welfare. “The acquisition of a dog breed without prior analysis of its needs and the real family expectation can lead to problems not only for the dog, but also for the family, such as fights, arguments and even a lack of patience with the recently acquired animal and , consequently, comes abandonment.”

Adopting a pet is never a simple task. It is a living being, with needs that are often different from those of the human being and become extremely dependent and attached to the tutors. In the end, the pet becomes a true member of the family. Over the decades, several types of dogs had their heyday in Brazil, such as the Pekingese, the German shepherd, the Yorkshire and even the Siberian husky. Currently, the breed of the moment is the German spitz – popularly called the Pomeranian lulu.

This shows that just love at first sight is not enough. For the relationship to become love, it is necessary to know if the animal is able to thrive in the environment that the guardian can offer, based on its unique characteristics. Daniele points out that “animals have physical and psychological needs, expressing expectations about the environment around them. When these needs are not met, they can develop what we call stereotypies.” She alerts to the fact that not all dogs are the same. “Some breeds need more intense and faster physical activity than others. Therefore, leaving a superactive animal with little activity will nullify its expectations in relation to the environment in which it lives, and that energy will be directed to another purpose. Thus, often

genetic changes
Another serious issue motivated by the money generated from the fad is the irresponsible crossing, which changes characteristics of races and even promotes genetic alterations. An example is what happened to the poodle, very popular in Brazil during the 1990s, but which became less and less seen on the streets. With customer demand for smaller animals, breeders sought to reduce breed size. The result was the emergence of dogs with various problems, which ended up, over time, abandoned.

Daniele explains that the interference “ended up modifying some specific aspects of the races. Among the changes, we can highlight, for example, changes in size and coat color”. According to the teacher, some breeds then began to show a greater predisposition to skin disorders, eye and respiratory problems. “In some breeds, we can point to serious joint problems,” she says.

But it’s not just the dogs. Other animals also go through the issue of thoughtless adoption or purchase. “We face, for example, problems with owners of rodents, rabbits and reptiles. Many people acquire these animals, but do not know about the biology, behavior and, above all, they are unaware of the diet of these species”, emphasizes Daniele.

Enemy or friend?
While social media has the power to accelerate the trending breed exchange among dogs, it is also the medium that can raise awareness for new owners. The FZEA professor explains that the purchase and abandonment cycle will only be broken with information and analysis of the real need of the family looking for a four-legged companion. “The internet can be an ally in this search for an ideal animal, as it is possible to find explanations about different breeds, behavior and needs, and so the family can draw a profile with some potential breeds to be acquired. However, I emphasize that this search must be carried out on reliable sites. Another crucial point is the conversation with a trusted veterinarian”, completes the specialist.