Aalto University: PlastLIFE promotes a sustainable circular economy for plastics

Aalto University contributes to the project by providing academic research that explores the business opportunities and challenges of the circular economy. In addition, Aalto University will map tools and strategies to support the sustainable use, manufacturing and recycling of plastics, and guide organizations in this field in using these tools in various workshops.

A diverse group of partners led by Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) are working together to develop means

to reduce the environmental damage, litter and unnecessary consumption caused by plastics,
to make the recycling of plastic waste more efficient,
to replace fossil raw materials and utilise recycled plastics, and
to develop the analysis and risk assessment of harmful substances contained in plastic waste.
PlastLIFE is a part of the implementation of Finland’s national programme Plastics Roadmap, which aims to achieve a breakthrough in the circular economy of plastics in Finland by 2030.

PlastLIFE is brings together various partners and research organizations across Finland. The goal is a sustainable circular economy for plastics in Finland by 2035. The seven-year project started in December 2022 and will continue until the end of 2029. It is part of the EU’s LIFE Programme and has a total budget of around 20 million euros.