University of the Western Cape Professor Takes the Helm as Chairman of the South African Language Practitioners Council
The appointment of Prof Ralarala, who serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at UWC, by the National Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture, Zizi Kodwa marks the inaugural council after the promulgation of the SA Language Practitioners Act (2014).
As the Chairperson, Prof Ralarala is expected to provide strategic direction to the Council in line with the South African Language Practitioners’ Act, the Public Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulations and other governance prescripts applicable to the Council.
Commenting on his appointment, Prof Ralarala said: “There is a history behind this. In our practice, we haven’t in this country for the longest time attached importance to the centrality of language, particularly African languages. So, this is one opportunity for the nation to consider the protection and promotion of languages seriously, including sign language, which has now been made an official language.”
Prof Ralarala’s tenure as the Chairperson commenced on 1 July 2023 and extends until 30 June 2024.
Translators, interpreters, terminologists and other professional language practitioners play a crucial role in various sectors of society, and Prof Ralarala emphasised that accreditation for these professionals is important.
“Apart from the Council being established as an umbrella body meant to professionalise and regulate language practice professions, the language practice itself contributes significantly to the economy of this country. As such, the language profession should be given the status it deserves like any other profession.”
His appointment holds promise for mutual benefit for UWC, and Prof Ralarala expressed his excitement for the future of language practice. “This is the work of the nation, and UWC, from my perspective, is one of the institutions at the centre of these developmental initiatives.”