Fiona Roberts Appointed as Vice President (People & Talent)/Chief People Officer at King’s College London

King’s College London is delighted to announce that Fiona Roberts has been appointed Vice President (People & Talent)/Chief People Officer following an extensive external search process.

Fiona will join King’s at the start of January from the Francis Crick Institute where she currently holds the role of Chief People Officer. During her time at the Crick, Fiona masterminded a programme of activity to nurture early career researchers, covering recruitment, leadership development and career progression. At the same time, she fostered an inclusive culture and open approach to staff engagement. She reshaped health and wellbeing management, introducing innovative initiatives like the Menopause café and invigorating wellbeing weeks underpinned by a cultural change code of conduct.

In addition to her work at the Crick, Fiona brings a depth of experience from her work at the Open University where she was Group Human Resources Director and at Volkswagen as Human Resources Director.

A major goal of our Strategy 2026 is building a Thriving Staff Community and at the heart of that are our people and the talent and passion they bring to King’s. Fiona’s expertise in People and Organisation Change, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Human Resources, will be invaluable in enabling us to focus and accelerate our people agenda and commitment to improving the staff experience.

On her appointment, Fiona said: ‘I am delighted to be joining King’s and am very excited to work with colleagues in developing our people, culture and staff community. My first priority will be to listen to staff and understand what is important to you and how we enable a culture in which all members of our community are able to thrive.