Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DoPPW) Launches Special Campaign 3.0 for Enhanced Efficiency in Decision-Making and Pending Items Disposal

Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DoPPW), along with Central Government Pensioners’ Associations and their affiliated Associations, is taking significant steps to conduct various activities as part of special campaign 3.0 to foster cleanliness, reduction in pendency of public grievances, promoting digitalisation and enhancing efficiency in  decision making through good governances initiatives.

The advance preparations for special campaign commenced from 15th September 2023 and in time bound manner in DoPPW are enthusiastically carrying out their campaign related activities leading to enhancement of work place experience promoting workplace a happier workplace and better management of resources.

The Department has identified more than thousand of physical files for review during the special campaign 3.0. So far, after review of records, about hundred old physical records/files have been identified for weeding out and about nine hundred e-files have been identified for review, in terms of record retention schedule.

EHRMS 2.0 has been identified as the key digital services delivery enable for integrated services and enhancing pensioners services satisfaction.

The Special Campaign 3.0 commenced from 2nd Oct. 2023 and is scheduled to continue up to 31th Oct. 2023 under the constant monitoring Senior Officers of DoPPW who have, taken a keep personal interest in the campaign activities thereby enthusing the workforce involved and ensuring success of the Special Campaign 3.0 in letter and spirit.