Liverpool Unveils 2031 Strategy, Collaborates with External Stakeholders for Shared Vision

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Tim Jones, presented the University’s new vision for the future, Liverpool 2031, to an audience of partners and regional stakeholders from both the public and private sectors.

Liverpool 2031 outlines the University’s ambition to be globally recognised as a world-leading institution for research and education. It also details objectives to extend the University’s global footprint through new and existing strategic partnerships and further developing its globally connected community.

We were delighted that Steve Rotheram, Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, was able to join the event. In his contribution the Mayor highlighted the importance of the University’s teaching, research and innovation to people across the Liverpool City Region and to the region’s future growth prospects.

The event also provided the University with the opportunity to showcase four key projects that have significant regional impact and reflect the University’s commitment to supporting the region’s health, innovation and education priorities.

Executive Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Health and Life sciences, Professor Louise Kenny, presented the C-GULL project, a major birth cohort study tracing the lives of 10,000 Liverpool families to enable researchers, clinicians and policymakers to understand more about complex health issues.

Professor Andy Cooper, from the Department of Chemistry, provided an overview of the pioneering research being undertaken at the Materials Innovation Factory in the area of materials digital discovery and at the interface of AI, robotics and chemistry.

Suzie Thompson, Director of Development and Alumni Relations was joined by Tuvini Gabadage, a University Aerospace Engineering student, to showcase the University’s involvement in the IntoUniversity North Liverpool initiative which also involves Everton in the Community, LFC Foundation and the Steve Morgan Foundation.

The project has helped thousands of young people from one of the UK’s most disadvantaged areas fulfil their potential with a second centre due to open. Tuvini has worked as a mentor for IntoUniversity North Liverpool and described the benefits she has gained through participating in the programme.

Professor Tim Jones said: “I am delighted to share our new vision for the future with our key partners and external stakeholders. Our plans mark the start of an ambitious new chapter, and we are confident that through the work of our remarkable community and the support of our many partner organisations and stakeholders in Liverpool and around the world, we will achieve them.”