A&S grad wins Marshall Scholarship

Andrew Lorenzen ’22, a double major in government and performing and media arts (PMA) in the College of Arts & Sciences, is the winner of a 2024 Marshall Scholarship, which provides funds for U.S. students to pursue two years of graduate study at an institution in the United Kingdom. He is one of 51 students chosen for the honor this year.

With the scholarship, Lorenzen will pursue a graduate degree in politics and communication at the London School of Economics and a graduate degree in an interdisciplinary program at the University of Edinburgh called “Narrative Futures: Art, Data and Society.”

“I’m deeply honored to have the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the countless Marshall Scholars who’ve made the world a better place,” said Lorenzen, who also minored in English and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in creative writing at New York University, working on a historical fiction novel he plans to complete this spring. “My hope in matriculating to these two academic programs is to continue to develop as a writer and thinker able to address complex political issues from both creative and strategic communications perspectives.”