Aston University Professor Recognized Among the World’s Elite Scientists in Prestigious List

An Aston University professor has made it onto the list of the world’s top scientists.

Victor Chang, professor of business analytics at Aston Business School, is 2160th out of over 210,000 who fall into the top 2% of the top-cited scientists globally.

The database covers a variety of metrics, including career-long and recent year impact, with options for self-citations. Scientists, with at least five papers, are categorised into 22 fields and 174 sub-fields.

The data, up to 2022, is derived from Scopus via Elsevier’s International Center for the Study of Research (ICSR) Lab. The latest version reflects the 1 October 2023 snapshot and is based on the citation year 2022.

Professor Chang said:

“I am honoured to be recognised among the top scientists globally.

“This reflects not just my own work, but that of my dedicated research team and colleagues at Aston Business School and other universities who have contributed greatly to advancing knowledge in business analytics and technology management.

“My recent focus is more about building projects and eventually demonstrating impact to different communities and businesses.”