Abertay Sports Sciences Students Enhanced in Mental Health First Aid Training

A group of students from Abertay University’s Division of Sport and Exercise Sciences completed Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid course.

Offered through the Duty of Care in Sport module, the course saw seven students from across six different sports programmes attend to gain the knowledge and skills needed to provide first responder guidance and support to people in distress.

The course is NHS approved and participants spent two days gaining an understanding of common mental health conditions and how to assist someone in crisis.

They have now been registered on the NHS database and gained a certificate of achievement that will set them apart in the labour market.

Participants included Ilona Brown (Sport and Exercise Programme), Jacok Dalland (Sport and Management Programme), Jonny Garden (Strength and Conditioning Programme), Lucy Hunter (Sport and Exercise Programme), Esra Sarac (Sport and Exercise Science Programme), Ruby Swain (Physical Activity and Health Programme), and Reuben Tanner (Sports Development and Coaching Programme).

Esra said: “The days were full of helpful information and allowed all of uto gain more of an awareness of mental health issues that exist  and how we may be able to help. The course had allowed me to gain more information of the issues relating to mental health, as well as how I may be able to help people in need until the proper authorities come.”

Professor of Duty of Care in Sport, David Lavallee said: “We worked closely with the University’s Student and Academic Services team to bring this important course forward for our students and I’m really pleased to see it having an impact. Mental health is a critical issue in sport so being able to equip our graduates with the ability to support someone in crisis is hugely valuable.”

Mental Health First Aid is an initial response to distress and all participants on the course understand that this help is given only until other suitable or professional help can be found.

The aim of mental health first aiders is:

  • To preserve life
  • To provide initial help
  • To prevent the problem getting worse
  • To promote recovery of good mental health
  • To provide comfort.