Utrecht University Hall and Transcomplex Undergo Simultaneous Renovation

The Utrecht University Hall, including the inner garden, courtyard, Faculty Club and the Pandhof (excluding the garden part), needs to be renovated to the requirements of the present time in terms of sustainability, accessibility and inclusiveness. The Board of Governors therefore decided to commission further work on this renovation.

Combining the renovation of the Utrecht University Hall and Trans Complex
During the elaboration of the renovation of the Utrecht University Hall, it was also investigated whether this renovation could not be carried out simultaneously with the later planned necessary major renovation of the Trans Complex. Indeed, this minimises the nuisance of both projects back and forth, and, it is expected, will also reduce the inconvenience to the surrounding area. Partly because of this advantage and the state of repair of the Trans Complex, the Inner City Steering Committee decided to combine and carry out the renovation of the Utrecht University Hall and the Trans Complex simultaneously.

This has scheduling implications. The renovation of the Utrecht University Hall is pushed back one year. The preliminary planning now assumes a construction period of about two years starting in the last quarter of 2026. The details of the renovation of the Utrecht University Hall and the Trans Complex are being worked out by the Directorate of Real Estate & Campus, stakeholders, and involved parties.

Alternative locations
To carry out the renovation, the Utrecht University Hall and the Trans Complex will be temporarily closed. According to the preliminary planning, from July 2026, a suitable alternative location must be found for academic ceremonies and other activities. In anticipation of the temporary closure of the Utrecht University Hall, no reservations will be accepted for the Utrecht University Hall from July 2026. Options for room reservations can be discussed in consultation with the Room Reservations and Events Department. The planning of academic ceremonies will be taken up once the alternative location is known.

We are also hard at work looking for an alternative location for the Faculty Club. This location will also have a kitchen so that even during the renovation, activities will continue as usual. When the Trans Complex closes its doors will be done in consultation with the Faculty of Humanities. It is expected to be at the same time as the Utrecht University Hall. An alternative location is also being sought for this one.

The search for alternative sites is taking place in close consultation with stakeholders. More clarity on this is expected during 2024.