McMaster Latin American/Latinx Community Marks Historic Milestone with First Graduation and Celebration Ceremony

Students, staff, faculty and their loved ones packed the Phoenix on campus this week to mark the inaugural Latin American/Latinx Celebration and Graduation Ceremony. 

The words of McMaster Bachelor of Health Sciences graduate Ariana Petrazzini captured the historic feeling in the room: “Paving the way only matters if there are those to follow.”  

Her words gave a nod to the many achievements of the Latin American Network at McMaster (LANMU) faculty in the room, whose work serves as a foundation for the quickly growing list of accomplishments by the network’s students and graduates.  

Established in the summer of 2021, LANMU aims to celebrate, recognize and empower its members, increase student access, provide academic support and promote research excellence. 

The joyous ceremony served as a celebration for LANMU members who had recently earned degrees and awards, and faculty for their demonstrated research excellence.