Tsinghua University’s “Double First-Class” Initiative Reviewed by Chairman Luo Shugang and National People’s Congress Committee Delegation

On the morning of May 29th, Luo Shugang, Chairman of the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the National People’s Congress, and his delegation visited Tsinghua University to investigate Tsinghua University’s progress in promoting the “Double First-Class” construction and to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the school’s teachers and students on the country’s in-depth promotion of the “Double First-Class” construction. Tsinghua University President Li Luming, Vice Presidents Yang Bin and Jiang Peixue accompanied the investigation.

In the conference room of the Central Building, Li Luming welcomed the visit of the leaders of the National People’s Congress Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee and the Ministry of Education, and briefly introduced the overall situation of the university and the arrangements for this investigation. Jiang Peixue reported on the overall progress of Tsinghua University in promoting the construction of “Double First-Class”.

During the “Double First-Class” construction, Tsinghua University has deeply realized the strategic significance of the “Double First-Class” construction in my country’s modernization construction, and has always adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, insisted on running universities rooted in China, and achieved remarkable construction results in moral education, academic innovation, serving the country, faculty quality and international influence, and constantly opened up a new situation for the high-quality development of world-class universities with Chinese characteristics.

After listening to the report, Luo Shugang and his delegation visited Tsinghua University’s scientific research and talent training achievement exhibition, the Imaging and Intelligent Technology Laboratory, the National Key Laboratory of High-end Equipment Interface Science and Technology, and the Art Museum.

At the scientific research and talent training achievement exhibition located in the second-floor lobby of the central main building, Luo Shugang and his party listened to the relevant persons in charge of the Computer Department, Automation Department, Nuclear Research Institute, School of Integrated Circuits, and School of Marxism on the development of multimodal GLM large models, various new intelligent robots and embodied intelligent technology-related scientific research results, high-temperature gas-cooled reactor nuclear power plant technical achievements, artificial intelligence chips, ideological and political course construction, and the compilation of “General Examination of the Dissemination of Marxist Classic Literature”. They also exchanged views on the distribution of talents in the field of artificial intelligence, the progress of basic large model research and development, the principles of memristor storage and computing integrated chips, the construction of Yizhuang integrated circuit industry-education integration base, and the situation of full-time teaching staff of ideological and political courses.

In the Imaging and Intelligent Technology Laboratory on the third floor of the Central Main Building, Luo Shugang and his delegation learned in detail about the disruptive and original cross-disciplinary scientific research and innovation achievements made by the laboratory in recent years, and exchanged views on the theoretical basis, cutting-edge innovation and application scenarios of scientific research such as optoelectronic intelligent computing, high-resolution light field intelligent imaging microscopes, and billion-pixel adaptive light field intelligent imaging.

At the National Key Laboratory of Interface Science and Technology for High-end Equipment located in the Lee Shau Kee Science and Technology Building, Luo Shugang and his delegation listened to the laboratory’s development history, basic construction and representative research results, and visited the Friction Energy Dissipation Laboratory and Micro-Nano Manufacturing Laboratory. Luo Jianbin, a professor at Tsinghua University and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave a detailed introduction to breakthrough research results such as super-lubricity theory and technology and chemical mechanical polishing machines.

At the Art Museum, Luo Shugang and his delegation listened to an introduction to the “Warring States Bamboo Slips in the Collection of Tsinghua University” by Huang Dekuan, Director of the Center for Research and Conservation of Excavated Documents of Tsinghua University. They visited the “Tsinghua Collection: Silk Embroidery” collection exhibition and the 2024 Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts graduate works exhibition, and investigated the talent training of the Academy of Fine Arts, the collection of the Art Museum, and the development of related disciplines.

The research was attended by Zheng Weiping, Li Jinghai, Tian Xuejun, Gu Xiaoyu, vice chairmen of the NPC Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Health, Ma Xu, Xiangfang, Li Wei, Pang Lijuan, Zhong Zhihua, Cheng Jing, Wu Gang, member of the Expert Committee on Discipline Evaluation of the Ministry of Education, Hao Guicheng, director of the Office of the NPC Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Health, Fang Guangwei, director of the Education Office, and Luan Zongtao, deputy director of the Department of Degree Management and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education. The heads of relevant units of Tsinghua University accompanied the research.