Tsinghua University Partners in Hosting 5th College Writing Course Conference

On May 25th, the 5th College Writing Course Conference co-hosted by Tsinghua University and Harbin Institute of Technology was held in Harbin. Sun Shijun, Director of the Higher Education Department of the Education Department of Heilongjiang Province, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Peng Gang, Vice President of Tsinghua University, and Shen Yi, Vice President of Harbin Institute of Technology, delivered online speeches. Heads of general education management departments and front-line teachers of writing courses from nearly 100 universities across the country focused on “Writing Education under Technological Change” and exchanged views.

Sun Shijun said that this conference has built a communication platform for university management departments and teaching staff to think about traditional writing education and innovate future education models. He hopes that all universities will deeply understand the importance of making full use of digital technology to enrich teaching content and methods, fully grasp the methods and paths to promote the construction of university writing courses, and fully play the important role of the community in promoting the high-quality construction of higher education writing courses.

Peng Gang introduced the achievements and experience of Tsinghua University’s “Writing and Communication” course construction. He said that Tsinghua University will use artificial intelligence to assist or deeply intervene in the entire teaching process, create artificial intelligence teaching assistants and artificial intelligence teachers, and promote the deep integration of artificial intelligence and education and teaching. He hopes that more universities will jointly devote themselves to general writing education in the future, further expand the influence of writing education, and promote the high-quality development of writing education in Chinese universities.

Shen Yi introduced the concept and achievements of the “Writing and Communication” course construction of Harbin Institute of Technology. He said that artificial intelligence, as a strategic technology leading the future, is reshaping the writing teaching model. Harbin Institute of Technology has always been committed to promoting the deep integration of education and technology, and is willing to explore new models and methods of writing education with universities across the country, make full use of modern technology to improve the effectiveness and quality of writing teaching, and make greater contributions to the construction of a writing and communication course system in colleges and universities.

Wang Guangzhi, deputy dean of the Undergraduate School of Harbin Institute of Technology, explained the concept of Harbin Institute of Technology “based on writing to educate people and help cultivate four types of talents”. Sun Hua, director of the Teacher Development Center of Peking University, introduced the construction of the “Academic Writing and Expression” course system of Peking University. Jin Li, executive director of the Chinese Writing Teaching Research Center of Zhejiang University, shared the systematic construction and resource allocation of the “College Writing” course of Zhejiang University. Zhao Siyuan, head of the “Critical Thinking and Academic Writing” course of Shanghai Jiaotong University, discussed the relationship between artificial intelligence and writing teaching. Cheng Xiangyu, deputy director of the Writing and Communication Teaching Center of Tsinghua University, demonstrated the phased progress of Tsinghua University’s AI-enabled writing course project.

In the afternoon of the same day, experts and scholars exchanged views and discussions in five sub-venues on the topics of “Writing courses and the cultivation of high-quality talents”, “Exploration of writing courses based on the characteristics of universities”, “Teaching concepts and practices of writing courses”, “Technology empowers writing teaching”, and “Writing course teaching under the background of the ‘four new'”.